Environmentally friendly dentist

By using fewer chemicals and medicines, we contribute to preventing pollution of our water pipes and the environment.

milieuvriendelijk tandartspraktijk Gina

Environmentally friendly

By using fewer chemicals and medicines, we contribute to preventing pollution of our water pipes and the environment.

Amalgam removed in our practice is safely filtered and carefully collected in special government approved containers and finally safely disposed of by a reputable environmental company.

We also use perfume-free and environmentally friendly products when cleaning our practice.


Are you convinced and would you like to register as a new patient? You are most welcome at Tandartspraktijk Gina in Amsterdam Osdorp. Of course, your family members are also welcome in our practice.

We will do everything we can to send you home with a smile every time.

Inschrijven Tandarts Amsterdam Osdorp
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René's dental practice will continue under
the name: Dental Practice Gina!

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