Stay up to date with the latest news regarding Tandartspraktijk Gina and Biological Dentistry

New in our practice for teeth cleaning: the Airflow!
We have recently started using the Airflow for professional dental cleaning. This is a device that does not damage the tooth enamel.

Intra oral Mouth Scanner in our Practice!
We are very happy to announce a new device in our practice! We recently acquired a

We are very proud to announce that our self-employed dentist Maheswari Manickam, specialized in pediatric dentistry, now also has a specialist training

We are very proud to announce that our colleague and dental assistant, Athina Roumpati, passed her final exam on April 20th.

Visit our dental practice in Amsterdam Osdorp
The end of the year is already in sight. Do you still have a healthcare budget left? Use it wisely and
Are you convinced and would you like to register as a new patient? You are most welcome at Tandartspraktijk Gina in Amsterdam Osdorp. Of course, your family members are also welcome in our practice.
We will do everything we can to send you home with a smile every time.
- 6 treatment rooms
- Experienced team
- Short waiting times
- Open on Saturday and Thursday evenings